J. M. G. Le Clézio bibliography

This is a list of works by J. M. G. Le Clézio, an award-winning French author and Nobel Laureate.



Title in French English Translation Date of French Publication Date of English Publication
Le Procès-Verbal The Interrogation 1963 1963
Le Jour où Beaumont fit connaissance avec sa douleur ----------- 1964 -----------
Le Livre des fuites The Book of Flights: An Adventure Story 1965 1971
Le Déluge The Flood 1966 1967
Terra amata Terra Amata 1969 1969
La Guerre War 1970 1973
Les Géants The Giants 1973 1973
Voyages de l'autre côté ----------- 1975 -----------
Désert Desert 1980 2009
Lullaby ----------- 1980 -----------
Le Chercheur d'or The prospector 1985 1993
La Grande Vie the Great Life 1986 1986
Celui qui n'avait jamais vu la mer(suivi de La Montagne ou le dieu vivant) The Boy Who Had Never Seen the Sea 1988 2008
Onitsha Onitsha 1991 1997
Étoile errante Wandering Star. 1992 2004
La Quarantaine ----------- 1995 -----------
Poisson d'or ----------- 1997 -----------
Hasard suivi de Angoli Mala ----------- 1999 -----------
Villa Aurore ----------- 1999 -----------
Fantômes dans la rue ----------- 2000 -----------
Révolutions ----------- 2003 -----------
Ourania ----------- 2006 -----------
Voyage au pays des arbres ----------- 2007 -----------
Ritournelle de la faim ----------- 2008 -----------

Children's books

Title in French English Translation Date of French Publication Date of English Publication
Les Géants The Giants 1973
OCLC 67479560
ISBN 9780689106613[1]
Lullaby ----------- 1980
ISBN 9783425049144
La Grande Vie suivi de Peuple du ciel La Grande Vie
translated as
The Great Life

Peuple du ciel
has not been translated into

ISBN 978-3425048611
ISBN 9782070551798
Peuple du ciel, suivi de 'Les Bergers --------- 1981
ISBN 978-2070426768
Balaabilou [2] --------- 1985
ISBN 978-2070542185
Villa Aurore --------- 1999
ISBN 978-0320079221
Villa Aurore ; suivi de, Orlamonde --------- 1998
ISBN 978-2070513963
L'enfant de sous le pont ----------- 2000
ISBN 2914471181 [3]
Celui qui n'avait jamais vu la mer suivi de La Montagne ou le dieu vivant Celui qui n'avait jamais vu la mer
translated into English as
The Boy Who Had Never Seen the Sea.

La Montagne ou le dieu vivant
has not been translated into

ISBN 9782070513949
ISSN 0028792X
Voyage au pays des arbres ----------- 2007
ISBN 9782070536658

Short stories

La Fièvre

Translated by Daphne Woodward in 1966 as "The Fever"

# Original French English translation Pages
Introductory Letter - Introductory Letter (by Le Clezio)
1 La fièvre Fever
2 Le jour où Beaumont fit connaissance avec sa douleur The Day that Beaumont became Acquainted with his Pain
3 me semble que le bateau se dirige vers lîle It Seems to Me the Boat is Heading for the Island
4 - Backwards
5 - The Walking Man
6 Martin Martin
7 - The World is Alive
8 - Then I shall be able to Find Peace and Slumber
9 - A Day of Old Age

Mondo et autres histoires

# Original French English translation Pages
1 Mondo -
2 Lullaby -
3 La montagne du dieu vivant -
4 Celui qui n'avait jamais vu la mer The Boy Who Had Never Seen the Sea[4][5]
5 Hazaran -
6 Martin -
7 Peuple du ciel -
8 Les bergers -

La ronde et autres faits divers

"La ronde et autres faits divers" was translated into English as "The Round & Other Cold Hard Facts" by C. Dickson.

# Original French English translation Pages
1 La ronde The Round
2 Moloch Moloch
3 L'échappé The Escapee
4 Ariane Ariadne
5 Villa Aurore Villa Aurore
6 Le jeu d'Anne Anne's Game
7 La grande vie The Great Life
8 Le passeur The Runner
9 O voleur, voleur, quelle vie est la tienne? O Thief What Is the Life You Lead?
10 Orlamonde Yondaland
11 David David

Printemps et autres saisons

# Original French English translation Pages
1 Printemps -
2 Fascination -
3 Le temps ne passe pas -
4 Zinna -
5 La saison des pluies The Rainy Season[6]

Awaité Pawana

# Original French English translation Pages
1 Awaité Pawana Pawana

La Fête chantée et autres essais de thème amérindien

# Original French English translation Pages
1 La féte chantée -
2 Trois livres indiens -
3 La conquête divine du Michoacan -
4 De la féte à la guerre -
5 Le rêve d'or de l'Amérique indienne -
6 Les Chichimèques Indigénisme et révolution -
7 Mythes amérindiens et littérature -
8 La corne d'abondance -
9 Jacobo Daciano à Tarecuato -
10 Trois célébrations du Mexique -
11 Peuple des oiseaux -
12 Dzibilnocac, écrit de nuit -
13 La voix indienne: Rigoberta Menchú -
14 Toutes choses sont liées -
15 La danse contre le déluge. -

Cœur brûle et autres romances

# Original French English translation Pages
1 Cœur brûle No English Translation but the title could be translated as meaning "Heart burn (and other romances")
2 Trois aventurieres -
3 Tresor -
4 - -
5 - -
6 - -
7 - -

Tabataba suivi de pawana

# Original French English translation Pages
1 Tabataba -
2 pawana -


French title French publication form English translation English publication form French publication date English publication date
Le Rêve mexicain ou la pensée interrompue Book
ISBN 978-2070326808
The Mexican Dream, or, The Interrupted Thought of Amerindian Civilizations Book
ISBN 978-0226110028.
1965 1993
Conversations avec J.M.G. Le Clézio Journal Mercure de France
OCLC 498529
------------ ------------ 1971 ------------
Haï Book
ISBN 9782605001125
------------ ------------ 1971 ------------
Mydriase Book
ISBN 9782851940711
------------ ------------ 1973 ------------
Vers les icebergs (Essai sur Henri Michaux) Book
ISBN 9782851940599
------------ ------------ 1978 ------------
L'Inconnu sur la Terre Book
ISBN 9782070754885
------------ ------------ 1978 ------------
Trois Villes saintes Book
ISBN 9782070218110
------------ ------------ 1980 ------------
Dans la maison d'Edith Journal and online publication
OCLC 60619315
------------ ------------ 1997 ------------
Sur Lautréamont Book
ISBN 978-2870272169
------------ ------------ 1987 ------------
Diego et Frida Book
ISBN 9782234026179
------------ ------------ 1993 ------------
Ailleurs Interview Jean-Louis Ezine with Le Clézio
ISBN 9782869592445
------------ ------------ 1995 ------------
Enfances Introduction to Enfances: photographies de Christophe Kuhn
ISBN 2951043317
------------ ------------ 1998-06-26 ------------
Le Llano en flammes Preface to French edition of
El Llano en Llamas originally written in Spanish by Juan Rulfo
ISBN 978-0292701328
------------ ------------ 2003-11-20 ------------
L'Extase matérielle Book
ISBN 9782070238248
------------ ------------ 1967 ------------
L’Africain Autobiographical essay
published as a book
ISBN 978-2715224704
------------ ------------ 2004 ------------
Une lettre de J.M.G. Le Clezio Journal (Revue des Deux Mondes) and online publication [7]
ISSN 07509278[8]
------------ ------------ 1982 ------------
Ballaciner Book
ISBN 2070784843
------------ ------------ 2007 ------------
La liberté pour Rêver and La liberté pour parler ------------ Freedom to Dream and Freedom to Speak Journal and online publication [9] ------------ 1997
Sur la lecture comme le vrai voyage ------------ On reading as true travel
ISSN 0196-3570
Journal and online publication
------------ 1965
Dans la forêt des paradoxes Online publication In the forest of paradoxes Online publication[11] 2008-12-07 2008-12-07
 ? ------------ In the Eye of the Sun: Mexican Fiestas Preface to In the Eye of the Sun: Mexican Fiestas entitled "Three Indian Celebrations"
ISBN 978-0393315844
------------ 1996-11-01

Travel diaries

Title in French Publication Form in French Date of French Publication Storyline
Voyage à Rodrigues BOOK (135 pages)
ISBN 9782070703821
1986 Tells of how family feuds were resolved by recalling the adventure stories his grandfather told in a journey from Mauritus to Rodrigues.[12]
Gens des nuages BOOK ( 151 pages)
ISBN 978-2070412167
1971 Gens des nuages could be translated as meaning The Cloud People.Jémia is Le Clézio's wife and a Moroccan .Her ancestors were nomad who lived in the desert area. After her grand mother left her country, she never visited the Sahara before the trip. Photographs by Bruno Barbey.
Raga. Approche du continent invisible BOOK (135 pages)
ISBN 9782020899093
2006 Travels in the archipelago of Vanuatu (in particular the islands of Port Vila, Ambrym, and Espiritu Santo ).These diaries of journeys in the Pacific offer a glimpse into a way of life which is threatened by globalisation, as well as meditations on the vastness of the sea, in the "continent" which the first visitors did not recognise as a cultural and geographic unity.

Voyage à Rodrigues

Le Clézio, J. M. G.. Voyage a Rodrigues. Paris: MAGAZINE LITTERAIRE, no. 459, (2006): 83-85. ISSN 0024-9807[13]

Raga. Approche du continent invisible

Le Clézio, J. M. G. (2006) (in French). Raga : approche du continent invisible. Paris: Seuil (Series:Peuples de l'eau). pp. 135. ISBN 9782020899093. [14]

Collection translations

Les Prophéties du Chilam Balam

Translated by the Author into French

Title Year Publisher Length Notes
"Les Prophéties du Chilam Balam" 1976 Gallimard, Le Chemin, Paris
ISBN 978-0320070419
201 pages
  • Mayas--Histoire
  • Mayas--Religion et mythologie
  • Indiens--Mexique--Religion et mythologie
  • Prophéties
  • Mayas--History
  • Mayas--Religion and mythology
  • Indians of Mexico--Religion and mythology
  • Prophecies[15]
"Le Clézio is an expert on early Amerindian mythology and culture and produced a translation of Maya mythology into a French in Les prophéties du Chilam Balam"[16] The Mayan Chilam Balam books are usually collections of disparate texts in which Mayan and Spanish traditions have coalesced and are in the Yucatec Maya language (in European script).Le Clezio ... is a speaker of at least a half dozen languages, three of which are pre-Colombian,[17] including Maya, which he learned while living in a Yucatecan village during the 1970s.[18] When asked about his devotion to native cultures, Le Clezio replied
The dawn of peoples is important because we seem now to be living in the dusk. You have the sense that we are getting near the end [18]
"Le Chilam Balam" is a collection of songs, prophecies and calendars kept through oral tradition. These books contain the observations, calendars and prophecies of the seer or magician named Balam, and they are named after their place of origin.[19] 

Relation de Michoacan

Translation of "Relación de Michoacan" from medieval Spanish into French. [20] This codex,copied in the years 1539-1540, contains the narration of a Franciscan monk,whom the American historian Dr. Benedict Warren identified as Fray Gerónimo de Alcalá.[21]


Translated by the Author into French

Title Year Publisher Length Notes
"Sirandanes" 1988 Seghers,Paris
ISBN 2232103277
93 pages co-translated by his wife Jémia .
Includes a glossary entitled"Petit lexique de la langue créole et des oiseaux" meaning this glossagy is a small lexicon of a creole language and a guide to birds.[22] 

Petit lexique de la langue créole et des oiseaux

Le débat no 36, septembre

Title Year Publisher Length Notes
"Petit lexique de la langue créole et des oiseaux." " 1985 Le débat no 36, septembre
OCLC [1]


  1. ^ OCLC 150450426
  2. ^ "Frenchman Le Clezio Wins Nobel Prize in Literature". transparent.com. 2008. http://www.transparent.com/french/frenchman-le-clezio-wins-nobel-prize-in-literature/. Retrieved 2 January 2009. "Balaabilou is about an African fisherman who tells children about Balaabilou who saved a beautiful princess named Leila from a horrible death and her entire kingdom from drought" 
  3. ^ Le Clézio, J. M. G; Illustrated by Axel Safrat (2000) (in French). L'enfant de sous le pont [Lire C'est Partir]. Paris: Gallimard Jeunesse. pp. 62. ISBN 2914471181. "(translation)Ali lives under bridges in the middle of cartons. His life will be upset when he discovered a baby abandoned in the middle of winter at the edge of the river. Amina is the name of the baby who becomes the child from under the bridge,whom Ali will try his best to raise" 
  4. ^ Treisman, Deborah (October 27, 2008). "FICTION - "The Boy Who Had Never Seen the Sea"". The New Yorker,page 75 (New York: F-R Pub. Corp.) (74). ISSN 0028792X. http://www.newyorker.com/fiction/features/2008/10/27/081027fi_fiction_leclezio. Retrieved 2008-11-10. 
  5. ^ Patrick Cooper, Patrick Cooper (2008-10-26). ""The Boy Who Had Never Seen the Sea" in the latest New Yorker". http://www.patrickcooper.com/2008/10/ready-for-the-laughing-gas-and-a-new-week.html. Retrieved 27 November 2008. ""You're going to hate the Internet for not having "The Boy Who Had Never Seen the Sea" in the latest New Yorker for similar reasons"" 
  6. ^ Le Clézio:Translated by Ophelia Fadullon Lizot and Luis Antonio Mañeru. "The Rainy Season". http://read.i.ph/blogs/read/2008/10/10/excerpt-from-j-m-g-le-clezios-the-rainy-season/. Retrieved 2008-11-26. ""...was translated and published in Beyond Paris: Contemporary French Fiction by Cacho Publishing House (1998), with help from the French Embassy in the Philippines, particularly M. Marcel Jouve who did most of the coordination with Editions Gallimard in Paris"" 
  7. ^ "Une Lettre de J.M.G. Le Clézio" (in French) (PDF). 30 April 2005. http://www.scrapcinema.com/prod/file/r2m/article/2006/2006_07_JUL-AUG/2006_07_010.pdf. Retrieved 2008-12-09. 
  8. ^ OCLC 8797804
  9. ^ "Freedom to Dream". World Literature Today,. 1997. http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_hb5270/is_/ai_n28696387?tag=artBody;col1. Retrieved 2009-01-16.  "Freedom to speak". World Literature Today,. 1997. http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_hb5270/is_/ai_n28696388?tag=artBody;col1. Retrieved 2009-01-16. 
  10. ^ OCLC 94471466
  11. ^ Le Clézio, Jean-Marie Gustave (2008-12-07). "Conférence Nobel" (in French). Conférence Nobel. La Fondation Nobel 2008. http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/literature/laureates/2008/clezio-lecture_fr.html. Retrieved 11 December 2008. The Nobel Foundation 2008 (2008-12-07). "THE NOBEL FOUNDATION 2008". Nobel Lecture. THE NOBEL FOUNDATION 2008. http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/literature/laureates/2008/clezio-lecture_en.html. Retrieved 11 December 2008. 
  12. ^ Voyage à Rodrigues is a novel by Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clézio. It follows another novel, Le Chercheur d'or. C'est un voyage sur les traces du grand père de l'auteur. It is a journey in the footsteps of the grandfather of the author. At the turn to pages 44 and 45, includes a sentence of ideas and formulation of the symbolic thought of JMG Le Clézio. An interesting parallel is made between a free ancestors who traveled in a world free of borders and other people of seabirds
  13. ^ British Library Serials/BL Shelfmark: 5333.470000OCLC 203061674
  14. ^ "2006. Raga: Approche du continent invisible." (in French). Oceania Newsletter 49,. March 2008. http://cps.ruhosting.nl/49/nb49b.html. Retrieved 2009-02-16. "On dit de l'Océanie qu'elle est le continent invisible. Invisible parce que les voyageurs qui s'y sont aventurés la première fois ne l'ont pas aperçue et, parce qu'aujourd'hui elle reste un lieu sans reconnaissance internationale, un passage, un territoire qui a fait rêver bien des explorateurs qui risquèrent leur vie pour l'atteindre et essayer d'en cartographier les contours. J.M.G. Le Clézio n'avait pas imaginé que le mythe rejoignait la réalité: il découvre l'immensité de l'océan, les myriades d'îles, d'îlots, d'atolls" 
  15. ^ "SUBJECTS". Les prophéties du Chilam Balam / version et présentation de J. M. G. Le Clézio. http://amicus.collectionscanada.ca/aaweb-bin/aamain/itemdisp?sessionKey=999999999_142&itm=000002560709. Retrieved 2009-01-16. 
  16. ^ "The Nobel Prize in Literature 2008". Speed read: Language as belonging. Nobel Web AB 2008. Nobelprize.org. 2008. http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/nobelguide_lit.pdf. Retrieved 2009-03-12. 
  17. ^ Watts, Jake. "Peripatetic Nobel with a Heart in Mexico". This article is based on a telephone interview with Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clézio following the announcement of the 2008 Nobel Prize in Literature.. the Nobel Foundation.. http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/nobelguide_lit.pdf. Retrieved 2009-01-07. "Le Clézio is an expert on early Amerindian mythology and culture and produced the first ever translation of Indian mythology into a western language in Les prophéties du Chilam Balam. His experience in Panama developed his thinking about the limits of western rationalism and its dangerous devaluation of emotions and spirituality, and also of the natural world." 
  18. ^ a b Watts, Jake (2008-11-05). "In his own words: Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clézio". unasletras. http://www.unasletras.com/v2/articulo/literatura_8/Peripatetic-Nobel-with-a-Heart-in-Mexico_691/. Retrieved 2008-11-05. ""Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clezio's... affection for the Mayan people induced a French translation of the Prophecies of Chilam Balam." 
  19. ^ "Les prophéties du Chilam-Balam version et présentation de J.M.G LE CLEZIO, Ed. Gallimard." (in French). la Bibliothèque Municipale de Lyon. 2007-01-10. http://www.pointsdactu.org/article.php3?id_article=756. Retrieved 2009-03-12. "---- Jean-Marie Le Clézio nous propose sa traduction qui s’inspire de traductions des différents manuscrits de Chumayel, Tizimin et Mani

    (Jean-Marie Le Clézio gives us a version based on various translations of manuscripts of Chumayel, Tizimin and Mani)

    L’introduction offre une explication très détaillée de la conception du temps chez les Mayas

    (The introduction provides a very detailed explanation of the concept of time among the Maya)

    « Parce que le peuple maya avait tout reconnu, y compris sa propre fin, parce qu’il avait traversé le mince écran de la réalité pour contempler le mouvement de l’univers, il est encore présent, et nous sommes à l’intérieur de son regard

    (The Mayan point of view is pertinent as ever (we can still take their point of view today) because everything that the Mayan people had contemplated (including a contemplation of their own demise) crosses a narrow divide between what reality might be to a contemplation of the movement of the universe. "  »" 

  20. ^ (in French/translated from Spanish). pp. 315. LE CLEZIO, J. M. G. (1985). Le Courrier de l'Unesco 38 (8): 15–16. ISSN 0304-3118. http://cat.inist.fr/?aModele=afficheN&cpsidt=12059983. "Force poétique et mémoire indienne dans ce texte écrit vers 1540" "La Relation de Michoacan. Le testament d'un peuple in La parole et l'écrit.". CAT.INIST. 2008. http://cat.inist.fr/?aModele=afficheN&cpsidt=12059983. Retrieved 2009-02-16. 
  21. ^ El Escorial, Biblioteca del Monasterio de San Lorenzo (1999). "Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clézio" (in French). Littérature - Traductions par J.-M. G. Le Clézio:. http://www.lehman.cuny.edu/ile.en.ile/paroles/leclezio.html. Retrieved 2008-11-05. ""traduction de l'espagnol"" 
  22. ^ La sirandane est une forme de devinette en langue créole pratiquée à l'Ile Maurice

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